Salok Bhagat Kabir Ji – Bhai Swaran Singh Ji

Salok Bhagat Kabir Ji – Bhai Swaran Singh Ji. Feel free to download the MP3 file for free! Just click the button below!

Salok Bhagat Kabir Ji – Bhai Swaran Singh Ji
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Salok Mahala 9:​
Rehras Sahib Ji:​
Chaupai Sahib:
Arda Nitnem atte Sarbat de Bhale Di:​
Japji Sahib:​
Barah Maha path:​
Mool Mantar:
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Salok Bhagat Kabir Ji: Bhagat Kabir (Gurmukhi: ਭਗਤ ਕਬੀਰ) was a Devotee and Spiritual Poet lived in Uttar Pardesh, India. He was a strict monotheist and follower, probably founder, of Gurmat. In Guru Granth Sahib, There are 227 Padas in 17 ragas and 237 slokas of Kabir.
Kabir was born in Muslim family. He is revered by Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs. He played the role of a teacher and social reformer by the medium of his writings. Like other Devotees, Kabir did not believe in Ritualism, the worshiping of Dieties, Brahmanism, Caste System and illusioned concepts of Hindu and Muslim priests. The Kabirpanthi sect which follow the teachings of Kabir, referring to him as their guru.
Sikhs also follow the teaching of Kabir, as in Gurmat, Kabir, Nanak, Ravidas, Bhatts all are same and all are treated as Guru and Sikhs bow before Guru Granth Sahib which include the teaching of many who had similar thoughts about God.
